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Study tips and education news

Open Days - An insight into your future

Elio Damato

Author: LWD Team.

As you progress through the senior years of study you will often be asked questions like, “What will you do when you finish school?” “What career would you like to pursue?” “Is there a particular university you would like to attend?” 

However, let’s face it, our responses are usually based on not much more than what subjects we like at school or what our parents, older siblings or friends may recommend we do. Well as you make your way through the academic year you have to start really thinking about your future. What degree are you going to apply for? Which university are you going to attend? What are your career options?

Well this time of year provides a great opportunity to get an insight into your future as universities open their doors to visitors to give prospective students and their parents an insight into what university life is like and what options are available to you.

‘Open Days’ are run on weekends starting in late July through to early September and most major universities hold their Open Days on alternative weekends. You can obtain a full list of upcoming Open Days by visiting the VTAC website.

The benefits of attending a number of different Open Days are numerous. Firstly, they provide invaluable insights on one of life's most important decisions. You can get a sense of the vibe and atmosphere of a university by having a casual chat to the lecturers and to students from different faculties (subject areas) and walking around the campus to get a sense of the facilities.  

It also helps if you do a bit research before you go. This will allow you to focus on areas of interest and help you use your time efficiently. Make a day of it because the time will fly as you engross yourself in what your future life is going to look like. And don’t worry, if you feel a little nervous about attending on your own then you are welcome to bring your parents, siblings and/or friends to the day in order to share your experiences with them.
You will walk away from the Open Day with a good gut-feel as to whether you wish to pursue studies in a particular subject area and whether it is the right institute for you.

Finally, Open Days are not just for those in Year 12. In fact, it is a very good idea for year 11 and 10 students to attend as well. It helps students to understand what subjects they should pursue in VCE and what academic achievement is required in order to obtain a position at the university of your dreams.